OES Lunch Menu

Food supply chain challenges are nationwide and our district is experiencing unavailable items and/or we will have last minute replacements. Menus are subject to change, but we will do our best to notify students of any changes.


“This institution is an equal opportunity provider”


Monday May 20 Tuesday May 21

Wednesday May 22

Thursday May 23

Friday May 24

A Foot-Long Hot Dog-21
B Cheese Quesadilla-25 
C Chef Salad-7 
Grapes-7 ½

A Pancakes w/Saus-32
B Cereal Bar & Gogurt-21
C Uncrustable-32
Potato Wedges-13



A BBQ Rib -33    
B Chicken Patty -34 
C Veg/Ch/Cracker Trays-25
Celery & Peanut Butter-6
Grape Juice-19


A Fried Chicken Leg -27  
B Pizza- 36    
C Veg/Ch/Cracker Trays-25
Corn Cob-12
Apple Slices-16


A Corn Dog- 23
B Chicken Tender Wrap-25
C Uncrustable-32
Green Peppers/Dip-2


Breakfast - $1.25 per day; $6.25 per week

Lunch - $2.75 per day; $13.75 per week


Breakfast - $.30 per day; $1.50 per week

Lunch - $.40 per day; $2.00 per week


Milk - .50

Adult Lunch - $4.00 each day

Breakfast is served every school day at OES from  8:35 am to 8:50 am