OES Lunch Menu

Food supply chain challenges are nationwide and our district is experiencing unavailable items and/or we will have last minute replacements. Menus are subject to change, but we will do our best to notify students of any changes.


“This institution is an equal opportunity provider”


Monday April 15 Tuesday April 16

Wednesday April 17

Thursday April 18

Friday April 19

A Spaghetti w/meat /breadstick-56   
B Fish Sandwich-39
C Chef Salad-7
Peas10 ½

A Teriyaki Beef Dippers w/ Rice- 43
B Walking Taco- 42    
C Taco Salad-23
Refried Beans-18
Mandarin Oranges - 21



A Broccoli/Ch Soup w/roll-56 
B Cheeseburger-24   
C Chef Salad-7
California Blend-4
Mixed Berries-22


A OES Chicken Bowls    
B Hot Dog-21  
C Popcorn Chicken Salad-18
Peach Cups-19

A Bosco’s-18
B Chicken Leg-27  
C Uncrustable-32
Jello Apples-17


Breakfast - $1.25 per day; $6.25 per week

Lunch - $2.75 per day; $13.75 per week


Breakfast - $.30 per day; $1.50 per week

Lunch - $.40 per day; $2.00 per week


Milk - .50

Adult Lunch - $4.00 each day

Breakfast is served every school day at OES from  8:35 am to 8:50 am