IncludeAbility Charity Auction

Orrville City Schools is excited to be working with Includability to provide emergency evacuation chairs (pictured in the flyer below) for our high school building.  IncludeAbility, founded in 2021, embarked on a mission that resonates with purpose: to empower individuals with physical disabilities, foster a sense of belonging within their communities, and promote inclusion in every facet of life.  As a non-profit organization, IncludeAbility is dedicated to the pursuit of an accessible world, striving to ensure people with disabilities are seamlessly integrated into all aspects of society.

The attached flyer is of the current auction that IncludeAbility is conducting and will run through this Friday, April 19th.  The money raised will help them continue to raise funds for their evacuation project throughout Wayne County, as well as their lending library of adaptive equipment to help serve individuals with disabilities in our community.  Thank you so much for your support!

For more information on IncludAbility, please visit this link:

Charity Auction Flyer