School Health Policy


The school clinic is not to be used as an alternative to health care. It is intended to provide first aid care and Ohio Department of Health wellness checks to students while they are in the school building. Parents are not to ask staff if the RN can look at their child and diagnose what is wrong. The RN can only make nursing assessments and not diagnose or render treatment beyond their scope of practice.

The Ohio Revised Code (ORC 3313.671 and 3323.05) requires no pupil shall be admitted, at the time
of his initial entry of each school year to an elementary, middle school, or high school or shall be permitted to remain in school for more than fourteen (14) days, unless such pupil has presented written evidence, that he has received or in the process of receiving immunizations by a method of immunization approved by the department of health pursuant to section 3701.13 of the Revised Code. A pupil whose parents/guardian presents a written statement and files the school exemption form declining to have the pupil immunized for reasons of conscience, including religious convictions, or medically contraindicated is not required to be immunized.

The State Department of Education and the Ohio Department of Health requires each child before entering school to have the following immunizations:

  • DPT: 4 doses (a 5th dose will be required if the 4th dose was administered prior to 4th birthday)
  • Tdap/Td: 1 dose prior to entering 7th grade. (must be within 5 years of 7th grade entry).
  • POLIO: 4 doses; The 3rd dose must be given on or after 4th birthday and is in the same series-all     OPV or all IPV; 4 doses needed if a combination of OPV/IPV was administered.
  • MMR: 2 doses
  • HEP B: 3 doses
  • VARICELLA: 1dose (after the first birthday) for student entering school before 2010.

Lice Policy:
Students with live lice found will be excluded from school and required to receive suitable treatment at home immediately. The school nurse or designated personnel has the responsibility to communicate to other schools where siblings or other close contacts of the infested person attend.

The student must remain out of school for a minimum of 12 hours to allow for treatment. They will be checked by the school nurse or other designated personnel the next school morning following treatment.

The student may return to school the morning after initial treatment if the following conditions are met:

  1. A parent must accompany the student- NO BUS RIDE to school the next day.
  2. The parent must wait until the head check is completed.
  3. The student is free from live lice.
  4. The parent must show an obvious attempt to remove the majority of nits. Nits that are present are acceptable but if it takes longer than 10 minutes to remove nits from hair, the student will be sent home to remove excessive nits.
  5. If the student has missed a significant number of school days because of lice infestation and does not have live lice, the student may return to class as long as monitoring of the progress of nit removal is made by the school nurse or designated personnel.
  6. All students that have live lice will be checked in 7-10 days from initial treatment. In case of chronic, repeated infestations, the student may be rechecked as often as needed at the discretion of the school nurse or building administrator.

Communicable Diseases:
Any student suspected of or reported to have a communicable disease is to be examined by a school nurse or public health nurse. Upon the recommendation of the school nurse or public health nurse, the student may be excluded from school. Orrville City Schools follows the most up-to-date information of communicable diseases as set by the Ohio Department of Health. Readmission is dependent upon a decision by a physician, and with their written documentation stating a return date.

  1. Chickenpox: Excluded from school until 6th day of rash appearing or until sores are dry.
  2. Common cold: Feels well and has not had a fever for 24 hours
  3. Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye): Physician’s note required. Return 24 hours from start of treatment.
  4. Cough: Cough is not severe or persistent; other symptoms of illness have stopped.
  5. Diarrhea: 24 hours after the last occurrence without taking diarrhea medication
  6. Fever: No fever greater than 100.4'F for 24 hours without taking fever medication
  7. Fifth Disease: Physicians note required. Only excluded from school if currently having a fever; may still have rash.
  8. Hand/Foot/Mouth: Physician’s note required. Excluded if sores present in mouth, drooling weeping blisters on hands
  9. Head Lice: Excluded from school until after treatment is applied & no live lice found
  10. Impetigo: Physician’s note required. Excluded from school until 24 hours after treatment has begun & all sores are dry.
  11. Pinworms: Physician’s note required. Excluded from school until after treatment is given
  12. Rash:    Physician’s note required. Excluded from school until after 24 hours of treatment for scalp & skin lesions; areas must be kept covered upon return; excluded from contact sports until lesions are gone.
  13. Ringworm: Physician’s note required. Excluded from school until after 24 hours of treatment     for scalp & skin lesions; areas must be kept covered upon return; excluded from contact sports until lesions are gone.
  14. Scabies: Physician’s note required. Excluded from school until 24 hours after application of scabicide.
  15. Strep Throat/Scarlet fever: Physician’s note required. Excluded from school until on antibiotics for 24 hours; no fever for 24 hours
  16. Vomiting: 24 hours after the last occurrence without taking medication

Medication Administration:
Students needing medication are encouraged to receive the medication at home, if possible. If this is not possible and it is necessary for the student’s attendance; administration of any medication will be done in compliance with the following:

Prior to dispensing any type of medication (to include natural/herbal & over-the-counter), written permission must be received from the parent(s) and physician of the student and shall include:

  1. Medication Administration form filled out & signed by the physician indicating the  exact dispensing instructions. The dispensing instructions cannot exceed the recommended dosage on the manufacturer’s labeled package.
  2. Medication Administration forms must be completed for each school year regardless of life-long medication usage.
  3. New Medication Administration forms must be completed & signed when there is a change in any of the information originally provided by the physician, licensed individual, or parent (i.e. dosage, dispensing).
  4. Each medication must have their own Medication Administration form. Medication cannot be combined on the same Medication Administration form.
  5. The medication must be received from an adult (students can not carry in medication) in the container in which it was manufactured or dispensed by the prescribing physician or others licensed to prescribe medication. The label on the prescription container must state the child’s name and dispensing instructions. All medication tablets that must be split, needs to be done prior to the school receiving the medication.
  6. The school nurse or authorized trained designee has the right to refuse the    
  7. dispensing of any medication based on questionable dosage and/or drug interactions. The student’s physician may be contacted to verify dispensing of any medication.

Metered dose inhalers & epi-pens (grade 3-12 allowed to self-carry)

  1. Students have the right to possess and use a metered-dose inhaler or dry-powder inhaler to prevent or alleviate asthmatic symptoms. Students have the right to possess and use only in an emergency an epinephrine auto injector to prevent the anaphylactic response to a severe allergy.
  2. The right applies at school or at any activity, event or program sponsored by or in which student’s school is a participant.
  3. The Authorization for Student Possession form must be on file in office in order for a student to possess an inhaler or epi-pen. This is a state law from the Ohio Revised
  4. Any student that has an inhaler or epipen at school must have an action plan on file
  5. with the school nurse. A second epipen must be stored in the clinic for that student.          

All students are required to have an Emergency Medical Form completed by the parents or guardians that will be on file in the school office. In the case of serious injury or illness, the student's parents or guardians will be notified. If the parents cannot be contacted, the school will refer to the medical form, and, proper attention will be given to the child.